I'm going to be real brief about this next part. It's not something I want to talk about or even think about. But day after Thanksgiving we found out our dreams were coming true. I was pregnant The Mr. was so excited. I loved hearing him talk about it. Even more thinking about him holding the baby. I had barely just started believing it was true. Thats when our dream turned into a nightmare. Long story short, I started spotting. A week went by. I was calling my Dr like every day. Finally on Friday they scheduled me for a ultrasound. I think deep down I knew it was going to be bad. Even the nurse told me to relax. I couldn't though. At the end of the ultrasound, it was determined that it was a ectopic pregnancy Basically it didn't implant in the womb. A week after crying and being mad and sad and depressed, today was my first day back at work. It's a step in the right direction. I'm not liking happy people right now or people in general But I will get over it. It's apart of life. If its too get to be true, it usually is. We are suppose to learn that early in life.
One of the worst things about this whole experience is that I can't run right now. The Dr. wants me to be cleared of "this" before I go back to working out. Turns out I can die. A few days ago, that wasn't such a bad thought. Before I say this next statement, I AM NOT SUICIDAL and DON'T want to die. But I just feel like I have nothing to live for. No purpose. I know when I am cleared for running it will help with this, its just this period of time I'm not dealing well with. I've never done drugs before, I tried one cigarette once and hated it. That's the jest of my "drug" experiment. Friday I wouldn't have thought twice about coke or anything to make me numb. Selfish, stupid, yes, but that's how bad my heart was broken. But instead, I concentrated on finding another marathon to do.
That's the "cliff notes" version of the last 2 months. 2012 started off bad and it's ending even worse. I will be so glad to say bye to it! Hoping for a better year for me and the Mr. By the way, please don't comment on the "short lived dream" I don't need to hear sorry or anything like that. I just needed to vent a little, since running isn't allowed.
What are you training for? Any races coming up?
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