Monday, April 23, 2012

Spin, Spin and more Spinning!

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As I mentioned before, I am following a half marathon schedule. Today calls for strength and stretch. Last week I did way more then  the schedule called for, and paid for it on Saturday while dong my long run. So this week I am trying to stick to my schedule..for the most part. When I first started exercising, spin class was one of the first things I tried. I quickly grew to love it. It is more of a workout then I had thought it was going to be. For those that don't know what spin class is, you can find out more information here. I have found spinning to be a great cross train for running. I take a class 3 times a week. I feel like my fitness level in the class has really improved. I remember the first couple classes it was everything I could do just to pedal the whole class. Then I was able to do the sprints, jumps and the "running". According to my heart rate monitor I burn a little less then 500 calories a class now. But when I started I can remember it being closer to 600. I've even noticed this in my running. I still burn a lot of calories when I run, but not like I use too. I guess this is a good sign. I am a big "googler" and I did some research. Something about the heavier you are the more you burn. Also, said something about my fitness level getting better so it takes more effort.

So today's spin class was so refreshing. It was wicked! It was a lot of rolling hills and "running". I like the hills because I feel like they build strength in my legs. I defiantly need that! 48 mins and burned 488 calories. I go to a 6am class so it wasn't too crowded. About 7-8 people. I went to a 6pm class a couple times, but you are lucky to get a bike. It's a lot more people. Although it was a lot more fun and interactive, I prefer to get my workout done in then morning. Even though, some mornings its like pulling teeth to get up, I almost always get up. I think I've only missed 4 classes. Two classes I was sick with a bad cold. I got my manager to go to a class once. She hated it. Complained of her butt hurting. I assured her it would go away after a few more classes. She never went back. I guess its not for everyone.

Other then that class, the only other exercise I will be getting in is strength training. The Mr. will be going to the gym later in the day. I'll do the machines while there. I feel like I am kicking butt when it comes to cardio, but I DREAD strength training. It's so boring. I know its important. Strength training class? Hmmmm, that is worth checking into! Stretching.....I'm bad at this too. So maybe something that incorporates both.

Do you spin? 

Workout in the a.m. or p.m.?

Any suggestions on strength and stretching? Something fun.

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