Saturday, April 28, 2012

What makes a great run?

Today was a scheduled 5 mile run, but for some reason I had it in my mind to do 6. Got on the treadmill and things were feeling great. I always start off kinda slow just to get my heart rate up and loosen up my legs. I started gradually adding up speed. I was feeling great. The miles seemed to just fly by. I looked down and it was 4 miles. I knew I could do 6. So I bumped my speed up to 5.0 I was shocked at how comfortable it felt. When I first started running (and 55 pounds heavier) it was everything I could do to run at 5.0 It was just too fast for me. But I felt good. I even bumped it up to 5.1 I ended up doing just over 6 miles. I wish every run was like this. Things just seemed to fall into place. Breathing was comfortable. I checked my heart rate monitor and my average was 154. Usually it is high 150 or 160. I think I might be making progress!!! This run just felt effort less.

The past couple weeks I have done most my runs indoors. I am going to try to do 1 a week outside. I just think it will give me a break from the boring old treadmill. I feel like it is easier to run on the treadmill then outside. Wind speed and level of ground all play into factor.

Did you get in a run today? 

What is your favorite cross train activity?


  1. That's great you had such a great run and did more than expected! It will keep on continuing to get easier from here! Yesterday was a loverly 5.5 miles with my boyfriend-- we crossed over to Virginia, ran on a trail next to the Potomac River, then came back to DC and passed about 75% of the DC monuments! Swimming is definitely my favorite cross training activity-- zero impact on your knees and a great recovery activity from running!!

  2. ...and I totally just copied having an MFP ticker on my blog too...awesome idea. Love it! Although I cheated and made mine show total losses to include pre-MFP b/c that's more exciting :) LOL

  3. Great job with your workout!!! I love it when I can crank out 6 miles. Although my 6 was most likely MUCH slower than yours!!! Lol
