Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wanna know my secret?

There you have it! Sugar free Jello! It HAS to be sugar free jello though. Although, the orginal is still low in calories too. I eat jello when I want to binge. Or eat something that isn't healthy. I do eat the occasional junk food, but if I have already allowed myself that indulgence and still want something. Here comes the jello! It is so low in calories and very filling. The weather has been so hot lately. I refuse to train on the treadmill again. It's boring and just isn't the same. I don't have the discpline yet to put it on higher than a 1% incline. So it doesn't really equal the same effect that outside running has. Being that my half marathon is outside, rather a treadmill, I want to train on the most ideal. Getting off topic. I have been waking up at 4am to run at 5am. Well I just woke up from a nap. 3:30p.m. I could go for a snack. I any kind of junk food I can get my hands on. Thankfully, we don't buy any of that. But, I went straight for the Jello. It worked! I am satified enough until dinner! Plus, I really like the taste and texture of the Jello. 

I am stuck at 160. Been here for 3 weeks now. Kinda disappointing. Even though, I don't need the scale to tell me I am doing great. As this is about more then just the number now. I am doing great stuff for my body and health. But this is the first time, I've hit a platue. Not sure what to change. They say doing the same thing, your body get used to it. But I like what I am doing. I LOVE running to much to stray from that, not to mention I am in the middle of training. Spinning. I enjoy it. I don't want to drop that. I've added the stairmaster. I don't like that, but it is kicking my butt. I feel like it is helping with my overall fitness. Kicking it up a notch. Still doing strength training. Any suggestions?

I recently did a 5K that a family friend sponsered me in. I was quite proud of it too. I finished in 31:17. That is a 10:05 min a mile!!!! I couldn 't believe it!! I fiinshed 113 out of 177. Not too great but not bad. Afterall, Im racing myself not anyone else!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Today is the last day of vacation! Usually I would be upset, and say it went to fast. But this vacation has been horrible in terms of my workout/diet. I have really only ran 1 once this week, besides today. Wednesday I did 4 miles. Today I went out with the number 8 on my mind. It's is my scheduled long run for the week. But tomorrow I have a 5K someone asked me if I wanted to run, and they paid. Ummm this was a no brainier. Of course I said yes. But I still wanted to get in my miles. Today's run started off okay. Weather was great! Slight breeze, overcast. I think the temp was 74. The first 4 miles went good. But then I came up on a decent hill. I HATE hills. I need to run them more often so I can get better. I made it to the Vandalia Rec center. It was a little more then 5.50 miles. I quit. Stopped. But I am so stubborn, I hate failing. So I took a 10 min break and started again. Did another 2.23 miles. That 2nd half went better, because it was flat. I still didn't make it to 8 today, but I can be happy with it.

Mapmyrun. Anyone use this app? I've used it a couple times. But never paid much attention to the details of the run. I usually use the Nike+ app with foot pod on it. I calibrated it on the treadmill. So, I thought it would be pretty accurate. Well today I decided to use the mapmyrun app. It was saying my average pace was 10:30-10:48. That is a good minute off what the Nike+ usually says. I will be interested in seeing how I do at the 5K tomorrow.

Next vacation is the Hershey Half. OH MY WORD!! I hope I can do this!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Anyone up for a hike?

Some friends of ours invited us out for a hike. Not going to lie, I am one of those people who think hiking is something you have to be do in mountains and deserts. We live in Dayton, Ohio. Where in the world would we go hiking? Boy I was wrong. Pleasantly surprised. They took us to this trail along the Dam near our house. 3 miles of climbing and in and outs. It was interesting to say the least. I didn't wear my heart rate monitor so I am not sure how good of a workout it really was. My heart rate was most like barley above 120 for the majority of the hike. There was a good climb that I'm sure my heart rate hit 160 though. Both the Mr. and I liked it so much we are going tonight. I will be wearing my monitor tonight. I'm really curious. The only thing I disliked about the hike was all the bugs.

I am 10 pounds away from my ORIGINALLY goal! I can't believe I am really this close. When I first started I threw that number out there. Only half believing I could do it. I have changed my goals. But it would only be another 10 pounds. And yes, I have got it ok'd by my doctor. After all, I am out to be healthy and PREGNANT, not the person I was in my teenage years. I could care less about be "skinny". Although, I do enjoy shopping so much more these days!!!!

The Mr. is doing his own journey as well. I have never thought of him being fat. I actually like a man with meat on him. All I ever cared about was him being healthy and "fit". Nothing sexy about a man huffing and puffing after walking up a few steps! He isn't allowed to run, so that isn't in his routine. He enjoys the elliptical and strength. I am trying to get him to try my spin class. I really think he would enjoy it. He can be so shy something though. (But then again, I am too.)

Workout for the day included:
5 mile run along the river
20 minutes on the stair-Master
After dinner, 3 mile hike

What was your workout for the day?

Any hikers?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Rest days are for losers!

The hardest part of this journey for me has definitely been "rest" days. Even when I first started, which was with home DVD's of Jillian Michaels. It was hard for me to take a day off. I can't believe how completely different I feel on a "rest" day. Which for me is Sundays. I feel fat,lazy and not good enough. I know, I know, I have heard a 100009 different reasons why rest days are important. Blah Blah Blah. In my defense I do take a rest day in between strength training. But honestly, I think it's cause I don't enjoy it. I don't take a rest from cardio at all. I am addicted to that feeling. It's what alcohol use to be for me. I get asked all the time, why I don't drink anymore. Well, my first thought is, I'm not 21 anymore. Time to grow up. But 98% of the reason is, I simply don't need it anymore to relax. Cardio, running in particular does that for me. It takes everything negative out of my life. It relaxes me. It gives me control.

I have recently gotten back into spinning. Mostly because it has been so stinkin' hot outside to do too much riding. I just found out that a co-worker has worked it out in her schedule to go to the classes with me. So this will give me that push to keep going. I was slacking there for a couple weeks. I would skip the class and then just go workout later that day before work. But I'm happy to be back in the saddle.

Today, is a day off of running. So I did spin class. Wow. It was a hot one too. A good ride, just very warm. Then I did 15 minutes on the StairMaster. Friends, I have a confession! This torture device is quickly becoming one of my favorite gym machines. It gets my heart rate up so quick and higher then most my runs. Oh, and I think it is actually helping with me running. Getting faster that is. Which I am always out to do. This week I have been testing the waters with the treadmill, since I have been forced to do most my running indoors. I am able to run at 5.5 and not die. When I first started I remember thinking 5.0 was super fast. Now that's where I start every run at...and usually end around 5.5 or 5.6.

Chia seeds. I have a sample my good friends gave me. I did research and could not resist the hype over them. I use 1/2 a tablespoon in my oatmeal in the morning. I think a serving size is 1 tablespoon but I am still looking to lose 10 pounds. At 70 calories a pop, I figured I would cut that in half. No taste to it. I've only used them 2 so far. I don't feel any different. Not sure I am suppose to though. Depending on price I may or may not continue to use them.

What was your workout for today?

Do you take a rest day?

Chia seeds. Whats your take on this super-food?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Learning to love stairs.

Where have I been? Short answer: Too lazy to make a post.

However, I haven't been slacking on my running/working out. Although, spinning is suffering a bit. I hate being inside longer then I have to in the summer. It's so pretty out that I have been riding a lot outside. I think our longest ride has been 23 miles. The Mr. and I are planning a 40 mile ride by the end of summer though. It should be really fun! From Troy, Oh to Dayton and back! 

Running. Most runners know you have bad runs and good ones. Last week they were decent. I think a lot of that is due to them being done on the treadmill. I STRONGLY dislike the thing now. I can't even begin to image how I use to do anything more then 3 miles on it. The most I ever did on the treadmill was 7. That would kill me from boredom now. I will have to figure something out though because in the winter, unless we have another mild one, I will be forced to have a very close relationship with one. UGH. Fingers crossed. I restarted my training because Memorial day I got a 2nd degree sunburn on my stomach. It was so painful. I was out of commission for a week. So I just decided to restart it. So Saturday was my long run. Eh, well not really long yet. It was only 5. Most my runs outside are 5. But next week we start adding quickly! YES!!!! I need to figure out a better day to do these though. I have been doing them and then going in to work. But I don't think I can handle it after 6 or 7 miles and then go into work. Too much for me. The only thing is I don't have a set schedule anymore. UGH. More planning ahead. If you didn't already know, I am not a planner. I am a "go by the minute" kinda girl. By the way, I have gotten a bit faster. I started at around 13 minute miles. That was in January. I am consistently running around a 11:04 to 11:24 pace. Closing in on my 10 min goal.

Working out in general is going okay. Strength still sucks, but I am pushing through. I have up'ed my weights. Not too much though cause I don't want to be big. Just tone and fit. Oh!!! The stairs to a better butt StairMaster. I have recently added this to my routine. When I first started it, I kid you not. I died just doing 5 minutes of it. The next time I pushed through 10 minutes. Today after spin, I did 15 at level 4. It's still slow stairs but I kid you not, my heart rate gets up there. I LOVE that feeling! I love pushing myself. I almost convinced myself to do another 15 minutes. I just didn't want to over do it, cause of my training. So next time I will shoot for 20 minutes. I always thought the StairMaster was point in it. Oh boy was I wrong. I do however, make sure my form is right though. I did some research online. You are only suppose to use the handle for balance. No leaning!! I guess that is cheating. So this is why I started on the lowest level possible. I'm gradually building up. Why do it, if your form is off? 

Olympic trails are on!!! I have been loving EVERY stinkin' minute of it! In fact when I had to do my "long" run on Saturday on the treadmill, they kept me sane!!!!! Spearmon is kicking butt on the track!! I've seen a little bit of swimming and gymnastics. Oh and Tour De France! I LOVE it all!!!

Any StairMaster users out there? 

Are you watching the Olympics?