However, I haven't been slacking on my running/working out. Although, spinning is suffering a bit. I hate being inside longer then I have to in the summer. It's so pretty out that I have been riding a lot outside. I think our longest ride has been 23 miles. The Mr. and I are planning a 40 mile ride by the end of summer though. It should be really fun! From Troy, Oh to Dayton and back!
Running. Most runners know you have bad runs and good ones. Last week they were decent. I think a lot of that is due to them being done on the treadmill. I STRONGLY dislike the thing now. I can't even begin to image how I use to do anything more then 3 miles on it. The most I ever did on the treadmill was 7. That would kill me from boredom now. I will have to figure something out though because in the winter, unless we have another mild one, I will be forced to have a very close relationship with one. UGH. Fingers crossed. I restarted my training because Memorial day I got a 2nd degree sunburn on my stomach. It was so painful. I was out of commission for a week. So I just decided to restart it. So Saturday was my long run. Eh, well not really long yet. It was only 5. Most my runs outside are 5. But next week we start adding quickly! YES!!!! I need to figure out a better day to do these though. I have been doing them and then going in to work. But I don't think I can handle it after 6 or 7 miles and then go into work. Too much for me. The only thing is I don't have a set schedule anymore. UGH. More planning ahead. If you didn't already know, I am not a planner. I am a "go by the minute" kinda girl. By the way, I have gotten a bit faster. I started at around 13 minute miles. That was in January. I am consistently running around a 11:04 to 11:24 pace. Closing in on my 10 min goal.
Working out in general is going okay. Strength still sucks, but I am pushing through. I have up'ed my weights. Not too much though cause I don't want to be big. Just tone and fit. Oh!!! The stairs to a better butt StairMaster. I have recently added this to my routine. When I first started it, I kid you not. I died just doing 5 minutes of it. The next time I pushed through 10 minutes. Today after spin, I did 15 at level 4. It's still slow stairs but I kid you not, my heart rate gets up there. I LOVE that feeling! I love pushing myself. I almost convinced myself to do another 15 minutes. I just didn't want to over do it, cause of my training. So next time I will shoot for 20 minutes. I always thought the StairMaster was point in it. Oh boy was I wrong. I do however, make sure my form is right though. I did some research online. You are only suppose to use the handle for balance. No leaning!! I guess that is cheating. So this is why I started on the lowest level possible. I'm gradually building up. Why do it, if your form is off?
Olympic trails are on!!! I have been loving EVERY stinkin' minute of it! In fact when I had to do my "long" run on Saturday on the treadmill, they kept me sane!!!!! Spearmon is kicking butt on the track!! I've seen a little bit of swimming and gymnastics. Oh and Tour De France! I LOVE it all!!!
Any StairMaster users out there?
Are you watching the Olympics?
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