Friday, July 6, 2012

Rest days are for losers!

The hardest part of this journey for me has definitely been "rest" days. Even when I first started, which was with home DVD's of Jillian Michaels. It was hard for me to take a day off. I can't believe how completely different I feel on a "rest" day. Which for me is Sundays. I feel fat,lazy and not good enough. I know, I know, I have heard a 100009 different reasons why rest days are important. Blah Blah Blah. In my defense I do take a rest day in between strength training. But honestly, I think it's cause I don't enjoy it. I don't take a rest from cardio at all. I am addicted to that feeling. It's what alcohol use to be for me. I get asked all the time, why I don't drink anymore. Well, my first thought is, I'm not 21 anymore. Time to grow up. But 98% of the reason is, I simply don't need it anymore to relax. Cardio, running in particular does that for me. It takes everything negative out of my life. It relaxes me. It gives me control.

I have recently gotten back into spinning. Mostly because it has been so stinkin' hot outside to do too much riding. I just found out that a co-worker has worked it out in her schedule to go to the classes with me. So this will give me that push to keep going. I was slacking there for a couple weeks. I would skip the class and then just go workout later that day before work. But I'm happy to be back in the saddle.

Today, is a day off of running. So I did spin class. Wow. It was a hot one too. A good ride, just very warm. Then I did 15 minutes on the StairMaster. Friends, I have a confession! This torture device is quickly becoming one of my favorite gym machines. It gets my heart rate up so quick and higher then most my runs. Oh, and I think it is actually helping with me running. Getting faster that is. Which I am always out to do. This week I have been testing the waters with the treadmill, since I have been forced to do most my running indoors. I am able to run at 5.5 and not die. When I first started I remember thinking 5.0 was super fast. Now that's where I start every run at...and usually end around 5.5 or 5.6.

Chia seeds. I have a sample my good friends gave me. I did research and could not resist the hype over them. I use 1/2 a tablespoon in my oatmeal in the morning. I think a serving size is 1 tablespoon but I am still looking to lose 10 pounds. At 70 calories a pop, I figured I would cut that in half. No taste to it. I've only used them 2 so far. I don't feel any different. Not sure I am suppose to though. Depending on price I may or may not continue to use them.

What was your workout for today?

Do you take a rest day?

Chia seeds. Whats your take on this super-food?

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