Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Anyone up for a hike?

Some friends of ours invited us out for a hike. Not going to lie, I am one of those people who think hiking is something you have to be do in mountains and deserts. We live in Dayton, Ohio. Where in the world would we go hiking? Boy I was wrong. Pleasantly surprised. They took us to this trail along the Dam near our house. 3 miles of climbing and in and outs. It was interesting to say the least. I didn't wear my heart rate monitor so I am not sure how good of a workout it really was. My heart rate was most like barley above 120 for the majority of the hike. There was a good climb that I'm sure my heart rate hit 160 though. Both the Mr. and I liked it so much we are going tonight. I will be wearing my monitor tonight. I'm really curious. The only thing I disliked about the hike was all the bugs.

I am 10 pounds away from my ORIGINALLY goal! I can't believe I am really this close. When I first started I threw that number out there. Only half believing I could do it. I have changed my goals. But it would only be another 10 pounds. And yes, I have got it ok'd by my doctor. After all, I am out to be healthy and PREGNANT, not the person I was in my teenage years. I could care less about be "skinny". Although, I do enjoy shopping so much more these days!!!!

The Mr. is doing his own journey as well. I have never thought of him being fat. I actually like a man with meat on him. All I ever cared about was him being healthy and "fit". Nothing sexy about a man huffing and puffing after walking up a few steps! He isn't allowed to run, so that isn't in his routine. He enjoys the elliptical and strength. I am trying to get him to try my spin class. I really think he would enjoy it. He can be so shy something though. (But then again, I am too.)

Workout for the day included:
5 mile run along the river
20 minutes on the stair-Master
After dinner, 3 mile hike

What was your workout for the day?

Any hikers?

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