Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wanna know my secret?

There you have it! Sugar free Jello! It HAS to be sugar free jello though. Although, the orginal is still low in calories too. I eat jello when I want to binge. Or eat something that isn't healthy. I do eat the occasional junk food, but if I have already allowed myself that indulgence and still want something. Here comes the jello! It is so low in calories and very filling. The weather has been so hot lately. I refuse to train on the treadmill again. It's boring and just isn't the same. I don't have the discpline yet to put it on higher than a 1% incline. So it doesn't really equal the same effect that outside running has. Being that my half marathon is outside, rather a treadmill, I want to train on the most ideal. Getting off topic. I have been waking up at 4am to run at 5am. Well I just woke up from a nap. 3:30p.m. I could go for a snack. I any kind of junk food I can get my hands on. Thankfully, we don't buy any of that. But, I went straight for the Jello. It worked! I am satified enough until dinner! Plus, I really like the taste and texture of the Jello. 

I am stuck at 160. Been here for 3 weeks now. Kinda disappointing. Even though, I don't need the scale to tell me I am doing great. As this is about more then just the number now. I am doing great stuff for my body and health. But this is the first time, I've hit a platue. Not sure what to change. They say doing the same thing, your body get used to it. But I like what I am doing. I LOVE running to much to stray from that, not to mention I am in the middle of training. Spinning. I enjoy it. I don't want to drop that. I've added the stairmaster. I don't like that, but it is kicking my butt. I feel like it is helping with my overall fitness. Kicking it up a notch. Still doing strength training. Any suggestions?

I recently did a 5K that a family friend sponsered me in. I was quite proud of it too. I finished in 31:17. That is a 10:05 min a mile!!!! I couldn 't believe it!! I fiinshed 113 out of 177. Not too great but not bad. Afterall, Im racing myself not anyone else!

1 comment:

  1. Jello is a great idea :) Thanks for sharing! Glad to see you back at posting too. I have been so bad about reading all my favorite blogs but I will try to get better!!!
