Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I got the average "Joe" beat

One of my favorite things about running on the treadmill is out running people. The weather is very cold right now and with the wind it is single digits. So I opted for the treadmill. After the emotional roller coaster yesterday took me on, I knew it was going to be a decent run, mileage wise. I didn't really have a number in my mind. Plan was just to run until my problems seemed to not matter. Started running. From the start it was feeling great. Set it on 1% incline and just ran. I always start off at 5.0 then just keep increasing speed until  I feel like stopping. Most the run I stayed at 5.3 Not a fast run today. I was relaxed most of the run. Guy number 1 got on when I was at mile 3. He ran for about 30 minutes and then stopped to walk a bit. Started running again. Then guy number 2 got on treadmill to my other side. He looked like one of those guys that think they are awesome. I smiled to myself because I had a good feeling I could out run him. Most people have me beat on speed and strength, but I got you beat on endurance! Although, I know there are a lot of people who can run farther and longer then me. But I am talking about the average "Joe". Anyways, guy number 2 lasted for a decent amount of time. I was around mile 7. He stopped. I smiled some more. HAHA I started thinking about growing up with all guys. The only girl of four boys. Plus, there friends, guys were around a lot of my childhood. But I remember constantly fighting to be treated the same as them. Just cause I am a girl, doesn't mean I cant hang. I can pull my own weight. This run was living proof. I had a really good playlist going, and the treadmill at the gym has a 95 minute time limit. I just ran until it stopped. I was kinda bummed though. I could have kept going.I ended with 8.50 miles.
After the run, I still wanted more. So I jumped on the elliptical  Every 10 minutes I increase resistance and incline. At the end of the hour my legs were burning. I stretched a little bit. I'm taking this more serious. The last thing I want is a injury. Today during my run, I got a weird feeling in my right calf. It's not painful. Just a weird different feeling. Just want to make sure it doesn't turn into something.

So I haven't been officially diagnosed with PCOS, but I have suspension I have it. My sister in law mentioned that she read a article about treating it with a gluten free diet. I did some research last night about it. I think I am going to give it a try. I am just a bit bummed though. Everything has gluten in it. I'm willing to do anything I can do be a Mom. So Ill deal with it, but it breaks my heart just a little. Pasta and beer will be the hardest to give up. It's not forever, so that's a bit comforting.

iTunes is killing me. I seriously need to step back from it. I go on there and just click click click. Next thing I know I get a bill for 3.99 and 4.99 and 11.99. It adds up. I have a kick butt music library but my pocketbook says "ouch".

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