Monday, February 11, 2013

It's hard to stop when it feels so good.

I woke up this morning with the sun shining in my face. It felt like spring. I got up had my breakfast and checked the weather. It was 45, with some wind. Usually I wimp out and take it to the treadmill. But I'm telling you Spring was in the air. Plus, one of the trails I use runs north to south, and there is a line of trees on both sides that kinda blocks out some of the wind. So off I went. Intended on a 3 mile recovery run. But it was one of those runs where my legs felt strong and breathing was in rhythmic  So I just kept going. I even concentrated on form. Not that I have done much research on it, but I just played around with it. I think it was between mile 3-5. I noticed when I stood up straight and chest out a little bit, I felt like I was gliding along with little to no effort. Here are my splits:

Avg Pace
Feels like 39°
18 mph WSW wind
Humidity 61%
Source: KDAY

The first the splits is from when I was in the car and hit start. I haven't learned all the tricks on how to delete stuff, so I just started from there. The weather is suppose to be getting colder so I'm sure I will be back on the treadmill tomorrow, and it will force me to stick to the training plan. Training plan?! What training plan?

Went food shopping today and found the best thing EVER!! I am in love with anything lemon. I just happen to look at the gum selection and see this!

Best gum EVER!!!! I chew a lot of gum for many different reasons. Gum can kill cravings like no ones business.

Other then my awesome run today, I went to the gym and did a hr on the elliptical.  I was planing on taking it easy, but I was barely working up a sweat and I was 20 minutes in. If I'm at the gym, then I'm going hard. No sense in wasting time. So I bumped up the incline and resistance every 10 minutes. I ended on incline 16 and resistance 15. I was struggling. I just hope my legs aren't jello tomorrow. It wont make for a good run. 3-4 miles tomorrow. So I might have to make a few deals with myself to get through it. Ummm, Girl Scout cookies came in. Mmmmmm.


  1. I always eat gum too and am always looking for new flavors to try!

    1. PS.. Stay away from the GS cookies!!! They are evil! I have not bought any in 3 years ;)
