Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What kind of runner am I?

What kind of runner are you? I saw this one of the many Facebook pages I like about running. In my case, it is true. I am the first picture top, left. It sums me up perfectly. Specially running stats. How else can we know we are improving? Numbers don't lie. So many times, I have went on "feel". But used a app (before I got my Garmin) and thought I was going super slow. When I looked at the stats after, I was surprised. You can't always go on "feel". 

You know how I was telling you about one of my favorite things about running on a treadmill is out running people. Well, I take it back. 

Today, I planned on 3-4 miles on the treadmill. Just a sorta recovery run after yesterday. Not that my legs were sore. Maybe a little tight at first. In fact, the first 2 miles I was convinced I was stopping at 4. (Always going for more.) This guy got on beside me within 15 minutes of me starting. I got to 4 miles and he was still running. So, I couldn't stop. BTW, why do people wear sweatshirts while working out? I don't get it. I can understand if you are outside. But inside, on the treadmill? I start sweating within the first 2 miles. I can't imagine wearing a sweatshirt. Plus, my legs were really loosening up. Feeling pretty good. Then this lady got on the one to my other side. So of course, I mentally wanted to out run her too. Around 5 miles the man stops. So now, all I had left was this woman beside me. That by the way, was running kinda funny. She was like skipping. Not that I have perfect form. But I have never seen anyone run like her. Anyways, I bumped up my speed bit and kept running. She stopped to walk for a bit around 6.25. The type "A" person in me, had to round it out to a even 7 miles. So I just finished out the 7. Tomorrow I am going to do 3-4 miles, but work on speed. then jumping back on the stairs. Ugh. I dread that machine more then hill work.

I am really getting excited for my half's coming up. Although, I know I wont be under 2 hours with the first one. But the second one..maybe? A girl can hope. Er, well she can work her rear end off for it or die trying. Although, I got to thinking while I was running today, once I achieve that what will my next goal be? A full marathon? I want to. But we will be trying again for a baby late spring and I just think that is a lot of pressure on my body. I don't need to added more issues to my already jacked up body. So if we ever do become parents, I can train for it then. Right now, I think I'll stick to the shorter distance. 10K or half. 5K's? I wont mind doing one here or there. But I hate paying for just 3 miles. 

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