Last night's post I mentioned my "long run" 7-9 miles that I was doing today. 4:30 A.M. to be exact. I woke up at 3:30 A.M. to get breakfast, hydrate and poop. Started my run as planned. It's was 23 degrees when I started. Not to bad. I wore a extra layer just to be on the safe side. There was little to no wind, so I was happy about that. I almost always start in my neighborhood loop. It's 3 miles. Then I kinda just wing it. I needed to stay close to home because the Mr. keeps his phone on silent at night. I meant to tell him last night to turn it on loud. I forgot. So I didn't want to go to far and not be able to make it back in time for work. I pretty much just run main streets when I go out before the sun comes up or goes down. You never know who is lurking in the shadows. I noticed within the first mile, my thigh was feeling fine. It really only bothers me when I sit down or stand. HAHA. Guess it's from the squats. So I was relieved that it doesn't seem to be a injury. I got to about 5.50 miles and I was getting warm. There is one thing I hate to sweat. It's my hands. I had to take my gloves off. So I took them off and discarded them along a tree I was sure I would pass coming back. Then I took my hat off. Did the same with that. Two miles later I got to a local Kroger. There is a park directly behind it that would lead to my neighborhood. I was going to take it and do my neighborhood again. After all I was only looking to do 7-9 miles. Well the more I thought about it the more I decided I shouldn't. This park doesn't have any lights at all. I would have probably been okay running through there, but you can never be too safe about things like that. I'm dumb, but not stupid. So I turned around and went the way I came. I got completely side tracked with my thoughts because I ended up taking a few side streets (well lit streets) and when I got close to my neighborhood I was a little over 9. Still feeling good and I still had not used any of my fuel I brought with me. So I decided to run to 10 and call it a day. If I didn't have to be at work within the hour, I would have had some chews and just did a half marathon. The two unexpected rest days had my legs feeling refreshed. I have yet to go pick up my gloves and hat that I took off during the run. I'll get them tomorrow if they are still there. I hardly doubt someone would want my old, sweaty gloves and hat. Along my run, I did see a dead cat, a empty police car and clear skies. Stars were shinning bright. I wish I would have been able to see the sun coming up. Stupid work ruining my fun. Here are my splits from the run. Pretty decent.
1 | 10:40.9 | 1.00 | 10:41 |
2 | 10:35.9 | 1.00 | 10:36 |
3 | 10:37.9 | 1.00 | 10:38 |
4 | 10:32.7 | 1.00 | 10:33 |
5 | 10:14.2 | 1.00 | 10:14 |
6 | 10:21.8 | 1.00 | 10:22 |
7 | 10:11.8 | 1.00 | 10:12 |
8 | 10:02.8 | 1.00 | 10:03 |
9 | 9:57.9 | 1.00 | 9:58 |
10 | 10:02.4 | 1.00 | 10:02 |
11 | :31.0 | 0.05 | 9:40 |
Oh! I am happy to report I didn't have to squat in a bush or crap my panties on my run. There were two different times I was thinking about a plan. Stomach started getting crampy. But it went away. Or well until I stopped running. Gotta cut back on the sugar intake. Also, I love the body glide. I forgot one place to grease up. Where my chest strap for my garmin goes, I got some chaffing there. It's actually really sore too. Kinda bummed. But it's a lesson learned. I won't forget it next time.
Tomorrow will be a rest day. But I will be doing my strength. Thinking about a spin class on Monday along with a run. Bob teaches on Monday, he is by far my favorite instructor. I love spinning to begin with, but he is makes it more fun.
I'm getting a tiny bit better at stretching after my runs. Not that I think it seems to help much. But it does feel good for the 5 seconds I hold it for. Maybe that's my problem. I'm just impatient.
Way to go on the run!