Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fell off the wagon

Due to Dr.'s order's I am still not allowed to run. Or exercise.  To say I am unhappy about this is a understatement. It just adds to the anger I already have. I can just image my first run. Ha! I might just do 26.2 miles out of anger and sadness.

So because of that I am trying to be more on point with what I am eating. I have way over indulged  But mostly because of the holidays  There is food freaking EVERYWHERE!!! I wish I could use that as a excuse.  But it's my own fault. I've gained 18 pounds. So it's time to get back on the wagon before it turns into 30 and so on. I was at the grocery store looking for some good snacks...healthy snacks. I found this.

I love popcorn. But it's kinda a trap for me. I will demolish a whole bag. Although there are worse snacks out there, the calories at up. I tend to stay away from these 100 calorie snack things. Just because I feel like they are wasted calories most of the time. Cookies and brownies in the 100 calorie packs are worthless. They aren't filling and you end up eating more then 1 pack. But the popcorn, you get a decent amount and it's filling. A huge fan. They have several different kinds, but I am just a kettle-corn girl. Butter popcorn makes me want to vomit. Disgusting.

So I have decided on two different half marathons. The first one is Kentucky Derby Half. It's April 27. I am planning on doing this with my friend Kara and a friend from work, Jarrod. Not planning on PR'ing here. I just want to run and have a good time with good friends. The next one is 3 weeks after. I will be planning on a PR. It's the Rite Aid half. I got a coupon for 5.00 off the registration. So why not?! The course is pretty flat so I can think of no reason not to try to get under 2 hrs!

Any races planned yet for 2013?

Friday, December 14, 2012

A short lived dream...

I've been away for a the blogging world. I did complete my first official half marathon. It turned out to be only 12.67 miles. I was bummed after the fact. The day of the marathon was rainy and chilly and WINDY! Now I can run in rain. I can run in cold, but I draw the line at wind! I know, I know, call me a wimp.  It just adds so much resistance. It would have been better if the first half was going into the wind and then coming back it was at the tail of it. Lucky for me, it wasn't. So the first 7, 8 miles was bliss. I zoned out. It was a breeze. I was relaxed and enjoying the moment. It was along the river in Dayton. It really only drizzle here and there. So rain wasn't much of a issue. Cold really never bothers me. You warm up pretty quickly. I reached 9 miles and my legs were cramping. The wind was killer. There was a moment where I was running and a guest of wind came, It made me feel like I was running in place. I looked around and people around me were saying the same thing. I ended up taking a quick walk break to see if I could get my legs to stop cramping. No such luck. I turned my music up and just pushed through. If I walked I was just going to be out there longer. So I started running again. I ended up finishing at 2:15 I was bummed a bit. I wanted to finish in under 2, but with the conditions I knew early in it wasn't going to happen. I had a great time and I'm glad I did it.

I'm going to be real brief about this next part. It's not something I want to talk about or even think about. But day after Thanksgiving we found out our dreams were coming true. I was pregnant  The Mr. was so excited. I loved hearing him talk about it. Even more thinking about him holding the baby. I had barely just started believing it was true. Thats when our dream turned into a nightmare. Long story short, I started spotting. A week went by. I was calling my Dr  like every day. Finally on Friday they scheduled me for a ultrasound. I think deep down I knew it was going to be bad. Even the nurse told me to relax. I couldn't though. At the end of the ultrasound, it was determined that it was a ectopic pregnancy  Basically it didn't implant in the womb. A week after crying and being mad and sad and depressed, today was my first day back at work. It's a step in the right direction. I'm not liking happy people right now or people in general  But I will get over it. It's apart of life. If its too get to be true, it usually is. We are suppose to learn that early in life.

One of the worst things about this whole experience is that I can't run right now. The Dr. wants me to be cleared of "this" before I go back to working out. Turns out I can die. A few days ago, that wasn't such a bad thought. Before I say this next statement, I AM NOT SUICIDAL and DON'T want to die. But I just feel like I have nothing to live for. No purpose. I know when  I am cleared for running it will help with this, its just this period of time I'm not dealing well with. I've never done drugs before, I tried one cigarette once and hated it. That's the jest of my "drug" experiment. Friday I wouldn't have thought twice about coke or anything to make me numb. Selfish, stupid, yes, but that's how bad my heart was broken. But instead, I concentrated on finding another marathon to do.Probably, because I wouldn't know the first thing on how to get anything like that. I think I've decided on Louisville, KY half marathon April 27th. A decent amount of time to train and early spring so its not too hot. I train outside all summer, but I think there are few marathons that start at 3:30 or 4am. I am hoping to get cleared on Monday, so I can get back into the swing of things. But official training won't start til the first of the year. Oh! Did I mention there are hills in the marathon?! I'm nervous and excited! Nervous of failing, but excited to push myself! Guess hill repeats will be apart of my near future!!!

That's the "cliff notes" version of the last 2 months. 2012 started off bad and it's ending even worse. I will be so glad to say bye to it! Hoping for a better year for me and the Mr. By the way, please don't comment on the "short lived dream" I don't need to hear sorry or anything like that. I just needed to vent a little, since running isn't allowed.

What are you training for? Any races coming up? 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pounds mean nothing to me, NOW.

When I first started this, I graded my progress on pounds lost. I am currently down 82 pounds. I have hit a slump. Pretty much it's just slacking on my part in the eating department. I'm eating to maintain right now, where I should still be trying to lost the last 3 pounds. I mean C'MON MAN, it's so close I can taste it. There was a 2 week period where I was eating poorly. But, thankfully I think I have it back under control.

Like I mentioned above I have lost 82 pounds. Which IS a lot, don't get me wrong by my next statement, I am proud. But I am prouder of the improvement in my running. I started off with a average pace of 12-13 min miles. I think that is pretty common for new runners. I am now averaging 9:45-9:55 a mile! HOLY SMOKES!!! I use to dream about 10 minute miles! I love seeing the statics and details of my runs. It's makes me want to improve more and more. Another thing I see improvement in is the StairMaster  I started off barely being able to do 5 minutes. Tonight, I did 45 minutes. I still HATE the machine, but love that it kicks my butt. Honestly I think it is a big contributor to the improvement in my running.

I found a running buddy!! I work with him. Started off today with 4 miles. It was good. Time flew by. I think we are pretty close to the same pace. Or he was holding back on me, which he said he wasn't. He added some sprints, which I NEVER do, so that was good. He said it builds stamina and strength. I'll take both! I'm going to be looking to run with him at least once a week.

Fall running? I LOVE it! Sunday the high is suppose to be 53! That for sure is the day I will be doing my long run! Fo sho! I have been doing 10 the last couple weeks...I need to push it back to 13. So anything over 11, I will be proud of.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Run Happy.

I've been in the market to buy a new pair of shoes. A lot of my friends rave about Brook's shoes. So I did my research and decided upon Pure Connects. (Although, I'm wondering if I should have tried the Pure Cadence) I just got them today, so I haven't ran in them yet. I am half tempted to take them for a quick 3. But yesterday I did my long run (13.01 miles) and you might have guessed it, I am sore. The back of my thighs are screaming. But it's good cry. I'll update you once I've used them.

As I mentioned above, my long run was 13.01 miles. I just wanted to see if I could do it. Friday I had a bad feeling the run was going to be bad. Too much fiber in my diet the last couple days, but for some reason I wasn't going to the bathroom. Running always gets me fixed in that dept. I was worried that I would have stomach issues during my run. Got started at 4:45am Saturday morning. I decided to just stick around my neighborhood as I wanted to be close to a bathroom. So I did my 2 mile mapped neighborhood route 6 1/2 times. My stomach did bother me toward the end, but I didn't have to stop. Other then the fact it got boring toward the end, I think it was a success. I kinda felt like I was on the treadmill. I finished in 2 hours 9 mins. Which is amazing, for me. My average pace through the whole run was 9:57. That is fast for me. I had been averaging 10:20 a mile. I guess all that reading on the elliptical is paying off! Bahahahaha. For race day, I hope to finish in under 2 hours. But that might unrealistic. 

Since I have reached my goal of 10:00 miles, I will need to make a new goal. The information about this blog says I'm working toward that goal. I just need to make sure it's attainable. I can be a overachiever at times. I've been trying not to over do it, as I don't want to get injured. I can't image the type of person I would be without it these days. I wouldn't be a nice person if I had to give up my running. Just can't image my life without it. 

Tuesday I will be trying yoga out. Another bad habit I have, which I think I have mentioned, I don't do much stretching after a run. So, a lot people have suggested yoga. I will be interested in seeing how it affects my running. I can tell I am stiff. I was shaving my legs the other day, and I can tell that the muscles in my legs are stiff. I can barely stretch my legs out fully. And its kinda painful. So, I will be adding yoga to my routine...probable just once a week at first. 

Only time will tell!

I'm currently ready Mile Markers. It's a great book so far. There is a quote from the book that's been stuck in my mind and applies to me 100%.

"I am not a good runner because I am me; I am a better me because I am a runner." 

Running has taught me so much. It's made me realize things about myself I didn't know. I am such a overachiever. I don't think anything is ever good enough. I always want to go that extra step. I've learned that I can do so much more then I think I can. When the voice in my head says, I can't do anymore, I want to prove it wrong. I always do. I've learned that sometimes the best medicine is the sound of my feet pounding the pavement and my breathing. There are times I don't even play my music. I just listen. These are the times, I learn the most from my runs. 

January 6, 2013 will be my running anniversary for 1 year. I've already learned so much, I can't wait to learn more. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Double digits!!!

As the name suggests I have completed my first double digit run. Well, I finished my 2 one today.

Last Saturday, I was suppose to do 9 miles. Got up and started the day like any other run day. Breakfast consisted of 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 chocolate silk milk (light) and 1 tsp of peanut butter. Then I waited a hour. If your a runner you know why. If not, Ill be brief about it. Stomach issues arise if you run on a full stomach. Some are more sensitive then others. Me. I am very sensitive to it. I even have to be careful as to how much water I drink. Back to the run. I started off. Everything seemed to go great. I didn't really have a mapped out route I was following. Just ran where I wanted to. Let me say, there are some very nice neighborhoods around where I live. So I got to 9, and still felt okay. The weather was gorgeous 60's. I had to push myself. So I did. It was tough but I go through it.

Today, the weather was even more beautiful then last weeks weather. 50's when I left the house. I started off and everything seemed to happen so fast. My breathing got into a rhythmic, my legs were feeling so strong. I felt so relaxed. Within the first mile and a half, I was in the zone. I knew I was going to push it then. After-all, whats one more mile after 10? Seriously. Well the first 9 went great, but the last 2, I was really struggling. I didn't take any fuel. No GU or shot blocks. I felt sluggish that last 2 miles. But I am not a quitter. That would easily turn a good day into a horrible day. I just know I would be yelling at myself all day. Failure is not a option to me. I heard my stats say 11.01 miles, and I stopped dead in my tracts. I had nothing left.

Oh did I mention, I have to work at 10am? HAHA. I'm silly. I must really hate myself, huh?

I am back to the elliptical. Originally I did it 3 times a week, when I first started working out. But then running and spinning took up most my time. I don't know what made me get back on. But I did. A bunch of my co-workers have been raving about Fifty Shades of Grey. So I went to the gym. Hopped on the elliptical and downloaded the preview. Let me tell you, I was hooked. I spent 2 hours on that elliptical reading. It is such a good book. Even without the x-rated part, its a good story. I have read all 3 books and let me say it was the best 30.00 spent in a long time. I am currently rereading. Yes!!! Seriously, if you haven't read it, you need too. Plus, reading on the elliptical makes the time go so fast. I only wish there was a way I could read on the StairMaster  There is no ledge or anything. Hmmmmm...maybe I'll come up with a way to attach it on.

They say the last 10 pounds is the hardest. I remember people would say that too me. I would smile and nod, think to myself "no way, this has been one of the easiest things I've attempted in my life" What's 10 pounds when you've already lost 75? Boy was I wrong. First it took me 4 weeks to break 160. Now I am going on 3 weeks at 157. Whew!!! 7 more stinkin pounds!!! COME ON!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wanna know my secret?

There you have it! Sugar free Jello! It HAS to be sugar free jello though. Although, the orginal is still low in calories too. I eat jello when I want to binge. Or eat something that isn't healthy. I do eat the occasional junk food, but if I have already allowed myself that indulgence and still want something. Here comes the jello! It is so low in calories and very filling. The weather has been so hot lately. I refuse to train on the treadmill again. It's boring and just isn't the same. I don't have the discpline yet to put it on higher than a 1% incline. So it doesn't really equal the same effect that outside running has. Being that my half marathon is outside, rather a treadmill, I want to train on the most ideal. Getting off topic. I have been waking up at 4am to run at 5am. Well I just woke up from a nap. 3:30p.m. I could go for a snack. I any kind of junk food I can get my hands on. Thankfully, we don't buy any of that. But, I went straight for the Jello. It worked! I am satified enough until dinner! Plus, I really like the taste and texture of the Jello. 

I am stuck at 160. Been here for 3 weeks now. Kinda disappointing. Even though, I don't need the scale to tell me I am doing great. As this is about more then just the number now. I am doing great stuff for my body and health. But this is the first time, I've hit a platue. Not sure what to change. They say doing the same thing, your body get used to it. But I like what I am doing. I LOVE running to much to stray from that, not to mention I am in the middle of training. Spinning. I enjoy it. I don't want to drop that. I've added the stairmaster. I don't like that, but it is kicking my butt. I feel like it is helping with my overall fitness. Kicking it up a notch. Still doing strength training. Any suggestions?

I recently did a 5K that a family friend sponsered me in. I was quite proud of it too. I finished in 31:17. That is a 10:05 min a mile!!!! I couldn 't believe it!! I fiinshed 113 out of 177. Not too great but not bad. Afterall, Im racing myself not anyone else!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Today is the last day of vacation! Usually I would be upset, and say it went to fast. But this vacation has been horrible in terms of my workout/diet. I have really only ran 1 once this week, besides today. Wednesday I did 4 miles. Today I went out with the number 8 on my mind. It's is my scheduled long run for the week. But tomorrow I have a 5K someone asked me if I wanted to run, and they paid. Ummm this was a no brainier. Of course I said yes. But I still wanted to get in my miles. Today's run started off okay. Weather was great! Slight breeze, overcast. I think the temp was 74. The first 4 miles went good. But then I came up on a decent hill. I HATE hills. I need to run them more often so I can get better. I made it to the Vandalia Rec center. It was a little more then 5.50 miles. I quit. Stopped. But I am so stubborn, I hate failing. So I took a 10 min break and started again. Did another 2.23 miles. That 2nd half went better, because it was flat. I still didn't make it to 8 today, but I can be happy with it.

Mapmyrun. Anyone use this app? I've used it a couple times. But never paid much attention to the details of the run. I usually use the Nike+ app with foot pod on it. I calibrated it on the treadmill. So, I thought it would be pretty accurate. Well today I decided to use the mapmyrun app. It was saying my average pace was 10:30-10:48. That is a good minute off what the Nike+ usually says. I will be interested in seeing how I do at the 5K tomorrow.

Next vacation is the Hershey Half. OH MY WORD!! I hope I can do this!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Anyone up for a hike?

Some friends of ours invited us out for a hike. Not going to lie, I am one of those people who think hiking is something you have to be do in mountains and deserts. We live in Dayton, Ohio. Where in the world would we go hiking? Boy I was wrong. Pleasantly surprised. They took us to this trail along the Dam near our house. 3 miles of climbing and in and outs. It was interesting to say the least. I didn't wear my heart rate monitor so I am not sure how good of a workout it really was. My heart rate was most like barley above 120 for the majority of the hike. There was a good climb that I'm sure my heart rate hit 160 though. Both the Mr. and I liked it so much we are going tonight. I will be wearing my monitor tonight. I'm really curious. The only thing I disliked about the hike was all the bugs.

I am 10 pounds away from my ORIGINALLY goal! I can't believe I am really this close. When I first started I threw that number out there. Only half believing I could do it. I have changed my goals. But it would only be another 10 pounds. And yes, I have got it ok'd by my doctor. After all, I am out to be healthy and PREGNANT, not the person I was in my teenage years. I could care less about be "skinny". Although, I do enjoy shopping so much more these days!!!!

The Mr. is doing his own journey as well. I have never thought of him being fat. I actually like a man with meat on him. All I ever cared about was him being healthy and "fit". Nothing sexy about a man huffing and puffing after walking up a few steps! He isn't allowed to run, so that isn't in his routine. He enjoys the elliptical and strength. I am trying to get him to try my spin class. I really think he would enjoy it. He can be so shy something though. (But then again, I am too.)

Workout for the day included:
5 mile run along the river
20 minutes on the stair-Master
After dinner, 3 mile hike

What was your workout for the day?

Any hikers?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Rest days are for losers!

The hardest part of this journey for me has definitely been "rest" days. Even when I first started, which was with home DVD's of Jillian Michaels. It was hard for me to take a day off. I can't believe how completely different I feel on a "rest" day. Which for me is Sundays. I feel fat,lazy and not good enough. I know, I know, I have heard a 100009 different reasons why rest days are important. Blah Blah Blah. In my defense I do take a rest day in between strength training. But honestly, I think it's cause I don't enjoy it. I don't take a rest from cardio at all. I am addicted to that feeling. It's what alcohol use to be for me. I get asked all the time, why I don't drink anymore. Well, my first thought is, I'm not 21 anymore. Time to grow up. But 98% of the reason is, I simply don't need it anymore to relax. Cardio, running in particular does that for me. It takes everything negative out of my life. It relaxes me. It gives me control.

I have recently gotten back into spinning. Mostly because it has been so stinkin' hot outside to do too much riding. I just found out that a co-worker has worked it out in her schedule to go to the classes with me. So this will give me that push to keep going. I was slacking there for a couple weeks. I would skip the class and then just go workout later that day before work. But I'm happy to be back in the saddle.

Today, is a day off of running. So I did spin class. Wow. It was a hot one too. A good ride, just very warm. Then I did 15 minutes on the StairMaster. Friends, I have a confession! This torture device is quickly becoming one of my favorite gym machines. It gets my heart rate up so quick and higher then most my runs. Oh, and I think it is actually helping with me running. Getting faster that is. Which I am always out to do. This week I have been testing the waters with the treadmill, since I have been forced to do most my running indoors. I am able to run at 5.5 and not die. When I first started I remember thinking 5.0 was super fast. Now that's where I start every run at...and usually end around 5.5 or 5.6.

Chia seeds. I have a sample my good friends gave me. I did research and could not resist the hype over them. I use 1/2 a tablespoon in my oatmeal in the morning. I think a serving size is 1 tablespoon but I am still looking to lose 10 pounds. At 70 calories a pop, I figured I would cut that in half. No taste to it. I've only used them 2 so far. I don't feel any different. Not sure I am suppose to though. Depending on price I may or may not continue to use them.

What was your workout for today?

Do you take a rest day?

Chia seeds. Whats your take on this super-food?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Learning to love stairs.

Where have I been? Short answer: Too lazy to make a post.

However, I haven't been slacking on my running/working out. Although, spinning is suffering a bit. I hate being inside longer then I have to in the summer. It's so pretty out that I have been riding a lot outside. I think our longest ride has been 23 miles. The Mr. and I are planning a 40 mile ride by the end of summer though. It should be really fun! From Troy, Oh to Dayton and back! 

Running. Most runners know you have bad runs and good ones. Last week they were decent. I think a lot of that is due to them being done on the treadmill. I STRONGLY dislike the thing now. I can't even begin to image how I use to do anything more then 3 miles on it. The most I ever did on the treadmill was 7. That would kill me from boredom now. I will have to figure something out though because in the winter, unless we have another mild one, I will be forced to have a very close relationship with one. UGH. Fingers crossed. I restarted my training because Memorial day I got a 2nd degree sunburn on my stomach. It was so painful. I was out of commission for a week. So I just decided to restart it. So Saturday was my long run. Eh, well not really long yet. It was only 5. Most my runs outside are 5. But next week we start adding quickly! YES!!!! I need to figure out a better day to do these though. I have been doing them and then going in to work. But I don't think I can handle it after 6 or 7 miles and then go into work. Too much for me. The only thing is I don't have a set schedule anymore. UGH. More planning ahead. If you didn't already know, I am not a planner. I am a "go by the minute" kinda girl. By the way, I have gotten a bit faster. I started at around 13 minute miles. That was in January. I am consistently running around a 11:04 to 11:24 pace. Closing in on my 10 min goal.

Working out in general is going okay. Strength still sucks, but I am pushing through. I have up'ed my weights. Not too much though cause I don't want to be big. Just tone and fit. Oh!!! The stairs to a better butt StairMaster. I have recently added this to my routine. When I first started it, I kid you not. I died just doing 5 minutes of it. The next time I pushed through 10 minutes. Today after spin, I did 15 at level 4. It's still slow stairs but I kid you not, my heart rate gets up there. I LOVE that feeling! I love pushing myself. I almost convinced myself to do another 15 minutes. I just didn't want to over do it, cause of my training. So next time I will shoot for 20 minutes. I always thought the StairMaster was point in it. Oh boy was I wrong. I do however, make sure my form is right though. I did some research online. You are only suppose to use the handle for balance. No leaning!! I guess that is cheating. So this is why I started on the lowest level possible. I'm gradually building up. Why do it, if your form is off? 

Olympic trails are on!!! I have been loving EVERY stinkin' minute of it! In fact when I had to do my "long" run on Saturday on the treadmill, they kept me sane!!!!! Spearmon is kicking butt on the track!! I've seen a little bit of swimming and gymnastics. Oh and Tour De France! I LOVE it all!!!

Any StairMaster users out there? 

Are you watching the Olympics?

Monday, May 21, 2012

2 bad runs in a row and 62 pounds lighter

So it started off on Thursday. 4.5 miles. Went to the park. The weather felt great. Warm but there was a breeze. Got 2 miles in and my stomach started rumbling. I passed a porta-potty because I thought there was one at the next parking lot. My stomach wasn't too bad. Well I got to the next parking lot...NO BATHROOM! I turned around. But at this time my stomach was really cramping. I decided the best thing to do was start looking for a place to go outside. I wasn't having much luck. I was along a open stretch of  the path. I had slowed to a walk. Next thing I know it was too late. There was nothing I could do. I was so disgusted and humiliated. I could not believe what had happened. I walked to the bathroom I passed the first time. Just mad....mad at myself. Why didn't I stop? UGH Cleaned myself up the best I could, and walked back to the car. I will never chance it again!!!
Then Saturday I was suppose to do 7 miles. I woke up feeling good. I decided to not eat breakfast and just grabbed a GU. Off I went. Got to the park, and upon starting I felt sluggish. Legs felt like lead. Then I got a side stitch. Tried to run through it...It wasn't going away. So I walked a little bit. Started running again. After about 1 mile I was feeling better. Maybe this was going to be a good run. It was about 10:30a.m. It was getting hot, but I was in the shade. Didn't feel too bad. After about 3 miles it goes to full sun. This is where I struggled. I made it to 3.5 and turned around. I had to keep pushing. I couldn't believe how hard it was. I was so hot and I could feel my heart rate going up. Made it to 4.5 miles and I had to slow to a walk. I felt like a loser. Very few times have I done this. I thought about starting to run again once I got to the shade, but I felt like that was cheating. So, I walked the rest back to the car. Can you believe that run put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day? I didn't want anyone to talk to me, I just wanted to be left alone.
Today was weigh in day. Lost 3 pounds for a total of 62 pounds. Today, I realized I how much I really lost. I knew I had lost some weight...but 62 pounds!!! That's A LOT!!!! That's my 6 year old nephew!!!! I can't believe I have been able to lose this much without starving myself, without pills and WITHOUT SURGERY!!! I did it by determination, dedication and A LOT OF SWEAT!!!
Also, I signed up for another race. The Redlegs Run 10K. I am excited but so nervous after the last couple runs I've had. I'm worried about the heat. It is at 8am, so I know that will be in my favor. I'm doing 90% of my runs outside now. I regret training indoors.

Do you have any races coming up?

How do you handle running in heat? Do you train for it?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My first 5K.

You may have noticed I haven't posted in a few days. Well, let me catch you up. Thursday May 3rd my husband was in a car accident. I got the call at work. I was heart broken. In shock. I left work at once. Went to the hospital, the Mr. fractured his knee, fractured his knuckles, bruised left lung and a small blood clot in his neck. There was defiantly someone watching over him. Something punctured his knee, we don't know what it was, but if it would have went 1 inch further he would have most likely lost his leg. It would have hit a main nerve. So he had "clean out" surgery on his leg. He is out of the hospital now, but that first week was stressful. After everything we went through with his back 3 months earlier this was not helping the situation. Things were just getting back to normal. The accident wasn't his fault. The other driver got sited for the accident. We are just blessed that God was watching over him.

So this happened 2 days prior to my first 5K. The flying pig in Cincinnati, Ohio. I told the Mr. I was going to pass on it. There would be other races. But he wasn't having any of it! He insisted I go. After thinking about it, I decided to go. After all, he was still in the hospital. The best place to be if something bad was going to happen. I was nervous though because I ate like crap the day before, plus I was on like 3 hours of sleep. I woke up and was pumped. It's amazing how the adrenaline can give you energy. We got lost going down, because the exits were closed. Long story short, my sister in law and I ended up running to packet pickup. I heard the guy saying 6 mins to start. I made it this far I was not going to miss it now. So I pushed through people and ran as fast as I could. Got my packet and went to the starting line. I couldn't believe how many people were running it. It was shoulder to shoulder. I didn't want to be in the front cause I knew I was too slow for that, but I didn't want the end either. I was here to PR. So I got in the middle toward the front. Seemed like seconds past and it was time. I think I started off to slow, but I was worried I would start off to fast and not be able to finish. It went pretty well, I think. I wished I would have been training outside more though. It wasn't too hot, but it was humid out. That caught me off guard. I ended up finishing 35:07. That is by far my best! Before then my best was 37:38. I wanted to be under 35 but I think I can live with that. I was proud. My hubby was proud. That's all that mattered. I'm glad I went. Here is a picture after the race. It was taken from my phone, so it's not the greatest size.
With everything going on here lately I have been slacking on the working out. Just recently getting back into it as the Mr. is starting to heal. Today's run was 4.5 miles. I almost went to the gym. I told myself that I needed to get use to running outside more. I'm glad I did. It went super fast and felt great. I think sometimes I go to the treadmill because it's easier then outside. But today's run really gave me some confidence. I felt strong (well most of it). I was surprised at my pace. I thought for sure it would be the 12 min mile range. Boy, was I surprised to see average pace was 11:32. So from now on I will be doing at least half of my runs outside. Early in the morning or evening time. 

Did you get a run in today?

What's your best 5K? 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

NSV- Non scale victory

I think I've finally broke the 12 min miles!!! Score. It's getting easier and easier to run faster. I'm sure it has a lot to deal with the weight loss and added mileage. Can't wait to see what I'm at in a month!!

Funny faces and TOM

Yesterday was weigh in day. I didn't lose any, but I didn't gain any either. Usually I would be a little bothered by this. But I was not. I was OK with it. Of course I would have liked to lose something. But I didn't gain. So why be upset? Plus, I think TOM is coming up in the next week. It seems like the week leading up to it, I always seem to stand still.

Saturday's 6 miles really had me sore Sunday and Monday. Sunday is usually a rest day for me because I work most the day. Monday I had a spin class and strength training. Let me tell you, that spin class was the toughest class I have EVER taken. My legs were screaming the whole ride. I pushed through, but I know I was making funny faces. Fo sho!

Today, my legs are feeling better. I have a scheduled 4 miles. Should't be too bad. I think I will be taking it outside. It's pretty comfortable today, although it does look like rain. I will check the radar and go from there. I just want to get out of the habit of going to the treadmill so much. It's so easy to just go to the gym. Plus, I feel safer on the treadmill. I don't have anyone to run with, so when I do go outside, I am always looking behind me. My mind likes to play games on me, or I watch too many movies.

Is it me or do you seem to stand still when TOM visit's? 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What makes a great run?

Today was a scheduled 5 mile run, but for some reason I had it in my mind to do 6. Got on the treadmill and things were feeling great. I always start off kinda slow just to get my heart rate up and loosen up my legs. I started gradually adding up speed. I was feeling great. The miles seemed to just fly by. I looked down and it was 4 miles. I knew I could do 6. So I bumped my speed up to 5.0 I was shocked at how comfortable it felt. When I first started running (and 55 pounds heavier) it was everything I could do to run at 5.0 It was just too fast for me. But I felt good. I even bumped it up to 5.1 I ended up doing just over 6 miles. I wish every run was like this. Things just seemed to fall into place. Breathing was comfortable. I checked my heart rate monitor and my average was 154. Usually it is high 150 or 160. I think I might be making progress!!! This run just felt effort less.

The past couple weeks I have done most my runs indoors. I am going to try to do 1 a week outside. I just think it will give me a break from the boring old treadmill. I feel like it is easier to run on the treadmill then outside. Wind speed and level of ground all play into factor.

Did you get in a run today? 

What is your favorite cross train activity?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Time limits on treadmills?

3.5 miles on the schedule for today. I woke up kinda late. Rushed to the gym. Really was going to stick to the schedule. But I got to 3.5 and felt GREAT! Legs were just loosening up. So I kept going. What really made me mad was when it told me to start my cool down after 60 minutes. What!!! That's really dumb. So I had to stop for 15 seconds to get it to restart. Although, this doesn't seem like a big deal, it IS to me. I hate stopping before I am done. It's that perfectionism in me. I ended up with a little over 5 miles. What's the point of the time limit anyways? They have several treadmills. And....the gym is never that busy to begin with. If I want to run longer then a hour, I should get to without interruptions!

On the topic of running, I am getting up in mileage now. Next week I have a 6 miler. I know this isn't a lot, but to me it's my farthest yet. I have a concern about re-hydrating. I've done research and they say after 1 hour you need something other then water. I tried Gatorade and let me tell you I hate it. It tastes like flavored sea water. UGH. I couldn't choke that stuff down. So, I am on the market to find something else. I prefer something not to sugary. Any suggestions?

Did you get a workout in today? What was it?

Ever been kicked off the machine?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Who needs a personal trainer anyways?

Good Morning!!!

Exercise for today is done. 7:45am and I have completed a spin class, strength training and a very weak 1 mile run. As I was doing that run, I was yelling at myself. I hate doing less then 2 miles. I feel so worthless. I realize I did a spin class, but I've been doing that for a while now. Should have been able to push to 2. The schedule calls for 2 mile run or cross train. Yes, I am a over achiever! I can't help it. I got on that treadmill and thought this was going to be a easy peasey kinda run. Nope! My legs were tired. They were wait, they were DEAD!!! Once I start running, I don't quit til I am done. Today, I don't know what happened. 5 minutes into the run, what did I do? I walked! What!?! I yelled at myself, and started running again. I wasn't a quitter! It started to feel a tiny bit better after half a mile. But not enough to push to 2. So I finished the 1 mile, and that was that. I feel OK with that...not happy but I don't want to dwell on it like I would have if I didn't start running again. I am TRULY my worst enemy.

Ever heard of a power crunch? Oh my word! They are so wicked. Basically its a crunch with weights on you feet. You crunch up with you upper and lower body. (I hope that makes sense) The first day I did them, I could only do 10! And for 2 days after, I felt it in my abs every movement I made. I am now up to 30 of them, but I really got to work for them. I BETTER get abs of steel doing these babys!

10 days until my first 5K! It's getting real very quickly! I told Matt and my friend Jen, I want a lot of pictures! Specially of me crossing that line! Hopefully I look graceful and not like this.

Do you have a trainer? Am I missing anything?

What are some of your favorite low calorie snacks?
I love snacking! I really think that's one of the keys to losing weight. Think about it. If you snack throughout the day, your less likely to binge eat at a meal. Healthy snacking. My favorites include string cheese, apples, carrots and celery. Reduced fat wheat thins and laughing cow cheese wedge is high on the list too!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Through this whole life style change, the hardest part for me has been drinking 8 or more glasses of water. I don't typically get thirsty, or realize I am until lunch time. It's always a struggle finding ways to drink water more efficiently through the day. Not just the second half of the day. The Mr. is loving the MiO. I think it is good, and even though it is zero calories and no sugar, I still wonder what is in it that makes it taste good. Is it good for you? I do use the Mio but I try not to have more then 1 or 2 glasses with it.

I mentioned that the Mr. had back surgery about 2 months ago, right? Well, the Dr. suggested he try out water aerobics. We had been meaning to for a week or two. Last night, we took a Deep water class. I have to say I was surprised at the workout. For me, it wasn't so much cardiovascular, but strength for me. Which, as I mentioned yesterday, I need. I enjoyed the class. The Mr. liked it too. We will be adding this class to the Monday routine. Plus, it's nice we can take it together. That's always a plus. We were the youngest there, however, the instructor was around our age. 

My latest addiction? Only the best oatmeal in the world! I take 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 3/4 cup chocolate almond milk and a spoonful of peanut butter. (I was using equally parts of oatmeal and almond milk, but I don't like it so thick) Seriously, it's what has been getting me up outta bed. I could eat my weight in this stuff! 

On the schedule for today is 3.5 mile run. Also, there is a water aerobics class tonight. The Mr. mentioned it last night, so I think we will be attending another class. Go US!!

Do you drink plenty of water?

Ever take a water aerobics class?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spin, Spin and more Spinning!

Pinned Image

As I mentioned before, I am following a half marathon schedule. Today calls for strength and stretch. Last week I did way more then  the schedule called for, and paid for it on Saturday while dong my long run. So this week I am trying to stick to my schedule..for the most part. When I first started exercising, spin class was one of the first things I tried. I quickly grew to love it. It is more of a workout then I had thought it was going to be. For those that don't know what spin class is, you can find out more information here. I have found spinning to be a great cross train for running. I take a class 3 times a week. I feel like my fitness level in the class has really improved. I remember the first couple classes it was everything I could do just to pedal the whole class. Then I was able to do the sprints, jumps and the "running". According to my heart rate monitor I burn a little less then 500 calories a class now. But when I started I can remember it being closer to 600. I've even noticed this in my running. I still burn a lot of calories when I run, but not like I use too. I guess this is a good sign. I am a big "googler" and I did some research. Something about the heavier you are the more you burn. Also, said something about my fitness level getting better so it takes more effort.

So today's spin class was so refreshing. It was wicked! It was a lot of rolling hills and "running". I like the hills because I feel like they build strength in my legs. I defiantly need that! 48 mins and burned 488 calories. I go to a 6am class so it wasn't too crowded. About 7-8 people. I went to a 6pm class a couple times, but you are lucky to get a bike. It's a lot more people. Although it was a lot more fun and interactive, I prefer to get my workout done in then morning. Even though, some mornings its like pulling teeth to get up, I almost always get up. I think I've only missed 4 classes. Two classes I was sick with a bad cold. I got my manager to go to a class once. She hated it. Complained of her butt hurting. I assured her it would go away after a few more classes. She never went back. I guess its not for everyone.

Other then that class, the only other exercise I will be getting in is strength training. The Mr. will be going to the gym later in the day. I'll do the machines while there. I feel like I am kicking butt when it comes to cardio, but I DREAD strength training. It's so boring. I know its important. Strength training class? Hmmmm, that is worth checking into! Stretching.....I'm bad at this too. So maybe something that incorporates both.

Do you spin? 

Workout in the a.m. or p.m.?

Any suggestions on strength and stretching? Something fun.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

How and WHY I started running


The followers I have, and I use "have" very loosely, are probably wondering what happened. Well, I have changed the whole idea of the blog. Lets start at the beginning. In January, I realized I wasn't happy with my fitness level. I felt sluggish ALL of the time. So I started counting calories with and exercising. I have always wanted to be a runner. I would see runners outside and wish I could do that. I had heard about From couch to 5K, last fall. I tried it, and quickly failed it. I think I tired it the end of fall early winter. Not a good time for a beginner to run outside. So I quit. I tried it again in January, thank goodness we had a mild winter, it stuck. Week after week I was still doing the program. It did take me a bit longer, as I repeated a few weeks, but I finished! 

Then things really got stressful. The Mr. hurt his back. Long story short, he had a ruptured disk. Had surgery and things are much better. But while going through all that, I turned to running. (And prayer! Lots and lots of prayer) I felt like there was nothing I could do. I wanted so bad to give him some relief. But there was nothing I could do, that I wasn't already doing. So running gave that to me. It allowed me to think about something other then him. It gave me a sense of control. Then my twin brother's world came crashing down. He and his wife called it quits after 9 years. He took it hard. So I took it hard. It hurt me to see him go through this. So, again, I took to running.

As of today, my first 5K is May 5th. The flying Pig in Cincinnati. I am beyond excited. I can't wait to take it all in! I am not a fast runner. Right now I am 12:00-12:50miles. I spend way to much time thinking about my pace, when really I should be happy. I mean, come on, 4 months ago I couldn't run 1 minute without feeling like I was dying! But I think we all are our own worst enemy! I know I am! I am currently following a training schedule for a half marathon. I have my eye on the Air Force base Half in Sept, but haven't registered. I just don't know if its something I can REALLY do. I guess time will tell.

Do any of you run?