Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's just as much mental and physical

If you have read my blog for a decent amount of time you know that I do my long runs on Saturdays. Well, last weeks 11 was hard. But going into work and being productive standing on my feet for 8 hours was harder. So I told myself since I was scheduled off on Sunday, I could skip it and do it on Sunday. Then I start thinking to myself, "well, you are off so you should just do the 13.1 and call it a day". Then I start thinking, "who stops at 13.1? and wouldn't it be awesome to do 14-15?" What's another 2 miles? Right?

Firstly, let me say I am doing HORRIBLE at eating junk. A lot of freaking sugar. Ice cream in general. I don't know what my problem is. Had a huge glacier from Ritter's last night. Not a small, not a medium a FREAKING large. That was dinner. It was amazing. But I've gotta get a handle on this. I was already trying to make excuses last night while eating it too. I'll just go to the gym and do the stair master and elliptical  I knew what I was eating was going to do numbers on my GI. I figured I would just wing it. So, I wasn't 100 percent sure I was going to run today. I woke up and had a banana. That's when stomach issues started. About 30 minutes of going back and forth to the porcine thrown, I decided to take a shot or two of Pepto. Which is a very bad habit of doing. I read somewhere it messes with kidney's or something within you body that seemed important. (Although, I think this was regarding running in the heat) I just don't want to get in the habit of it. Or maybe I just need to crap my pants on a run. Maybe that will be my lesson?!
Anyways, I got a new bra last night at Dicks. I think it's by Reebok  Most my sports bras are too big now that I have been inducted into the Itty bitty titty committee. So I defiantly was happy to be running in a bra that fit. Got started at a nearby trail. It was chilly, with a slight wind. I can run 10 miles pretty well now. I did experiment with fueling. Most the times, I wait until I'm really struggling. Sluggish  Today I decided to fuel throughout the whole thing. First, shot block was at 5 miles. Didn't feel like I needed it, but I ate it anyways. Feeling pretty good then. Took another somewhere between 9 and 10. I always start to struggle after 10. I tried to concentrate on music and breathing. It was cloudy out today, but the sun would come out for brief moments. That really helped. I can't wait for spring and summer. I want to feel that sun so bad. Got to 13 and I wanted to quit so stinking bad. I just felt so heavy. Plus, I had turned around and was running into the wind. 13-14 was rough. I definitely kelp looking at my watch. It seemed like every quarter of a mile I was glancing. I felt like I was barely running. I was trying my hardest though. I told myself several times, mind over matter, mind over matter. You CAN do this. Believe in yourself. I heard my watch beep and I stopped dead in my tracks!!!

It was between 13 and 14 that it occurred to me. You not only have to train your body, but your mind too. Speaking kindly to myself might be harder then the physical aspect of training. But this run proved it's important. I try so hard being kind to others, I guess I need to make being kind to myself a goal too.

The new bra did feel good, but only until mile 8. I started feeling a discomfort in my neck/shoulder. It never crossed my mind to use body glide. UGH. Stupid me.

First thing I did when I stopped was get off the path and lay down in the grass. I cant explain the feeling of giving all you have. The pride, the satisfaction, the emptiness, the joy. I am way proud of this run. Er, well mile 13-14. Not giving up. Here are my splits:

Avg Pace
Feels like 16°
11 mph WNW wind
Humidity 68%
Source: KDAY

Maybe mile 13-14 was so hard because it was the fasted miles through the whole run. Pretty sure, I just wanted to get it done with. I was shocked to see this after. I felt like I was barely going faster then a fast walking pace.
And feels like 16? During my run it felt great. But, I ended up at a park about 6 miles away from my car. I called my brother to come pick me up. Those 30 minutes were horrible. I was sweaty and the wind had me almost in tears. I was freezing! I will be rethinking this next time.
First thing I did was take a scolding hot bubble bath when I got home. Which I'm pretty sure that is a no-no. But there was no way I was taking a ice bath after being cold for so long. NO WAY.

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