Monday, February 4, 2013


The last day or two, I've ate like crap. No really. Ice cream, cookies, pizza and more ice cream.


The Mr. was off with me today, so we decided that we were going to chill today. No gym. It was suppose to be a cross-train day. No running. So I wasn't too bummed on skipping. Had a relaxing day. Visited with his Dad, made Heaven in a brownie and Chili. Took a nap. Had a embarrassing size of heaven. I was started to feel guilty about not going to the gym. I guess that's good though. Working out is a part of my regular day life, so when I don't do it...I hate myself. So both the Mr. and I was off to the gym. Firstly, I hate going after 5pm, because it is insanely busy. I wasn't too worried though, I was going to do the stair master. Not a whole lot of people use it. It's a wicked workout. I wanted to do 1 hr on it, then a 1 hour on the elliptical  I got 30 minutes in and I thought I was going to upchuck the next 15 minutes  So I was only able to do 45 minutes. But I did up the level. Usually I'm on level 3. Today I did it on 4. (The stairs go faster) I swear my heart rate was at-least 160 or higher for the duration of the time. My point in telling you this, I can tell a big difference in my workouts when I eat like crap. Ugh. I just felt sluggish and fat and slow and lazy and blah and like a failure. I'm glad I don't have too many of these days. 

My favorite piece of mail came today. Runner's world. Each month I look forward to reading it. Really gives good advice and interesting articles. I've read countless articles about how important core work and strength training is in running. I got home from the gym, and decided to man up! Planks first. I have done a few of them. But they are HARD! So I kinda stopped. Today, I was determined to get to 1:00 minute. I did two each of them 30 seconds. I was so mad at myself! Each time I tried, added more fuel to the fire. The third time of FAILING I wanted to punch the wall. I took a break to gather my thoughts. Then tried again. It was the LONGEST minute of my life!!!! But I did it! My stomach was shaking and burning. I love the feeling of success! I also decided to try some push-ups. I knew It wasn't going to be pretty. It's no secret I have no upper body strength. But I was able to do 3 sets of 5 reps- girl style push-ups. I use to do Jillian 30 day shred and she was big with bicycle crunches. I did 3 sets of 20 of those. I'm pretty sure my stomach will be hurting tomorrow. But it's the good kind of hurt. My goal is to do this routine at least 3 times this week. 

Saturday was scheduled long run of 6 miles. Sadly, I had to turn to the treadmill. Got there at 7AM  Lately  the treadmill hasn't been to hateful. But its only a matter of time before my luck runs out and I dread it. I started like any other run on the treadmill, easy pace 5.00 just to get warmed up. Then a mile in I bumped it up 5.2 Usually I don't pay to much attention to speed on long runs. I'm in it for the distance so I don't want to use up to much effort on speed. I got to 6 miles and was feeling great. I figured lets just continue til my allotted time runs out. (The treadmill at the gym I go to has a time limit of 95 minutes)  It was here I started bumping up the speed every half mile or so. I got to 8 miles and was at 5.9 I wanted to get 9 miles done before quitting  I turned up the speed. 6.1 Oddly enough, it was fast but not too uncomfortable fast. I was at 8.50 with 4 minutes left. All of a sudden the treadmill slowed down. I was bummed. I was feeling great! Top of the world. DON'T YOU LOVE WHAT RUNNING DOES TO YOU!!!??? I just called it a day. It wasn't until I was home and in the shower thinking, when I realized what happened. I am too hardcore for the treadmill. I wore it out! Machine can't beat me!!!! BAM!!!!

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